New House - 2005

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We are building a new house in Grand Lakes, which is just off the intersection of Fry and the Grand Parkway in Katy.

This page shows the plans and the empty site.  A construction log is on another page, which is quite large because there are a lot of pictures.

"X" in the map below marks the lot we are building in. The plat is kind of approximento, but it gives an idea where things are going, including the pool.

One thing I like is that the exterior is almost all brick and stone.  Not much to paint, if anything, and I think those materials are very durable.
We are taking the "fireplace option" in the floorplan so that the family room has a long wall suitable for a piano.  Note that the plat above
shows the space taken by the covered patio, which is behind the family room, but the floorplan below does not show the covered patio..

January 30, 2004.  (We signed the contract December 13, 2004). The car is parked right in front of where our driveway will be.  The boys bound into the back yard.

Left picture: Looking diagonally across the lot.  I'm taking the picture from the right side of the driveway, Debby is standing at the far corner.
Right picture: Looking down the left property line.

The boys find a friend.  On the right, the same kind of house we are building, except on the far right you can see the start of the roof of
a porte couchere, which is an option we are not doing.

See the construction log page for pictures of the actual construction, from pouring the foundation on.

And HERE IT IS!  These pictures taken many months later.  There are still a lot of boxes to unpack, and the landscaping needs
some help, but it's almost getting to be home now.

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